The first true Cross Stone appeared in the 9th century, during the time of Armenian revival. The oldest Cross Stone with a known date was carved in 879 AD
We create replicas and artists original work of miniature Cross Stones. We specialize in craftsmanship of original Cross Stones art hand crafted masterpieces that are ideal for souvenirs, christmas, christian gifts and decorative crosses .
Artak is one of the leading Cross Stone sculptors in current times. He has erected state of the art Cross Stones around the world. Over 25 years of carving he has made enlightened Cross Stones for all types of occasions. With this in mind the Cross Stones on display in this website are wonderful pieces of history, art and heritage.
A Cross Stone stands out in the world culture as a purely Armenian phenomenon. It epitomizes the key idea of Christianity i.e. redemption of Jesus Christ. The cross as a symbol of the Crossed (Jesus), tree of life, spiritual Heaven and salvation is a key element. Since the IV-V centuries Cross Stone have been erected separately as monuments and embedded in the church wall as an architectural embellishment. The most ancient Cross Stones date back to the IV-V centuries. Cross Stones of those days were crafted in the plainest design: one big cross, several scripts etc. However, over the lapse of time, especially in the 11-12th centuries, the art of Cross Stones reached its perfection. The first most ancient Cross Stones bearing a date are Queen Kataranide in Garni, 879, Grigor Atrnerseh in Mets Mazra, 881, of Tekor in 964 and some other plain Cross Stones of the IX-X centuries bearing no date already summarize the basic artistic symbolic elements of a Cross Stone: the cross was adorned with bunches of grapes at the top and acanthus leaves at the bottom. Cross Stone is one of the manifestations of the unique evolution of our culture which was the most accessible sacredness with the tremendous progress in sculptural arts, salvation message of the cross and multiplicity. Cross Stones bring peace symbolizing eternity. It reminds Christ’s path which won death and showed that there is life after death and that spiritual life is eternal.

Type of Stone
Tuf is made of volcanic ash ejected from a vent during a volcanic eruption. Following ejection and deposition, the ash is compacted into a solid rock in a process called consolidation.
Tuf has been used for construction since ancient times by various cultures around the world that are still standing.
The Armenia plateau is rich with mountains containing a variety of tuf. Constructing monasteries, churches, buildings and cross stones Armenians continue to use tuf extensively. The modern capital city Yerevan is dressed in the marvelous tuf architecture that has punched its name as "pink city". Tuf is the ideal rock for cross stone carving. The following characteristics make tuf one of the friendliest rocks to work with.
It is soft which makes it easier to carve, it is light which makes it easier to move and weather absorbent which makes it long lasting. Tuf comes in many beautiful colors and shades which inspires sculptors to create masterpieces